The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Wednesday said that moderate rainfall with the possibility of heavy spells is likely in the city and suburbs. The IMD in its 24-hour forecast has predicted moderate rainfall in city and suburbs with the possibility of heavy rainfall at isolated places.
According to data shared by the BMC, the island city, eastern suburbs, and western suburbs recorded 39.84 mm, 44.93 mm and 49.12 mm rain, respectively, in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, a high tide of 4.36 metres is expected at 12.40 pm in Mumbai. Also, a low tide of 0.70 metres is likely to occur at 6.49 pm today. When there is a high tide during the rainy season, it becomes difficult for the flooded water to recede. Low tide helps floodwaters in the city to find an outlet to enter the seas.
Meanwhile, IMD on Tuesday issued a yellow alert for nine districts in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha, warning of heavy rainfall and thunderstorms with lightning at few places. The IMD’s regional centre has forecast heavy rainfall and thunderstorms with lightning and issued the alert for one or two places in Nagpur, Bhandara, Gondia, Amravati, Wardha, Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Yavatmal and Washim districts for Tuesday and Wednesday.